
  • Letting

    House 1€

    Cahul, center, 3 rooms. Se da in cirie casa in Cahul ,aproape de centru strada(Balcescu) 2 camere bucatarie baie dispune de incalzire autonoma lumina gaz apa garaj teren agricol si beci


  • Letting

    House 1 011€

    Cahul, micro15, -2 , Furnished partial. Pat ,saltea scaun masa frigider scafuri tv


  • Letting

    House 2 000Lei

    Chisinau, botanica, 2 rooms, 60m2, Furnished. TOTUL NECESAR PENTRU LOCUIT


  • Letting House

    Letting House 1 011€

    Cahul, micro15, -2 , Furnished partial. Pat ,saltea scaun masa frigider scafuri tv
  • Letting House

    Letting House 150€

    Cahul, center, 3 rooms, Furnished. Familie tînără cauta casă în chirie
  • Letting House

    Letting House 1€

    Cahul, focsa, -3 , Furnished. Ищу частный дом на юге Молдовы, для семьи. с нормальными условиями проживания. Цена аренды оговаривается. За бесценок, не жду. Каждый товар имеет свою цену. Срок аренды, долгосрочный. Телефон +380677978753 Viber,…
  • Letting House

    Letting House 1 000Lei

    Cahul, Village, 127 rooms, 32767m2, Furnished partial.
  • Letting House

    Letting House 1 000€

    Chisinau, Center, 3 rooms, Floor-2/2, 230m2, Furnished. Casa cu 2 etaje, sus 3 camere, jos parcare, ograda spatioasa pentru gratar sau odihna, 5 min de LA mall, 079130096 sau 069294556
  • Letting House

    Letting House 800Lei

    Cahul, valincea, 1 room, 42m2, Furnished. 1000
  • Letting House

    Letting House 150€

    Cahul, center, 2 rooms. Семья снимет дом на длительный срок, максимальная цена до 150 евро)) если есть возможность, пишите, звоните, 076063084, желательно чтобы было место во дворе для машины
  • Letting House

    Letting House 1 000Lei

    Cahul, center, Furnished.
  • Letting House

    Letting House 1 000Lei

    Cahul, center, 1 room, 18m2, Furnished. suntem o familie cautam o casa in chirie ne puteti apela la nr 079729346
  • Letting House

    Letting House 1 000Lei

    Cahul, center, 1 room, 18m2, Furnished. suntem un cuplu si cautam o casa in chirie in Cahul pe termen puteti apela la ne.079729346 am si whatapp avem nevoie urgent..
  • Letting House

    Letting House 1 000Lei

    Cahul, center, 1 room, 18m2, Furnished. suntem o familie si dorim sa inchiriem o casa pe termen lung nee putetiapela la nr 079729346
  • Letting House

    Letting House 1 500Lei

    Cahul, valincea, 1 room, Furnished. casă la curte, reparație cosmetică, încălzire la sobă cu gaze, apă caldă.
  • Letting House

    Letting House 200Lei

    Cahul, valincea, 1 room, 20m2, Furnished. сдается посуточно отдельный домик со всеми удобствами .есть кухня холодильник стир машина туалет ванная душ кабина раскладной диван двухспальный. камин wi fi. есть парковка во дворе район валинча тел 78799630.79243507.79966723.
  • Letting House

    Letting House 300Lei

    Cahul, center, 1 room, 18m2, Furnished. Se da in chirie o casuta mica pe strada centrala Vasile Alecsandri N 63. pret derisuar; 300lei cu obligatiune de a intretine ograda ; Chiriasul sa pazeasca si sa tae…
  • Letting House

    Letting House 1€

    Cahul, center, 3 rooms. Se da in cirie casa in Cahul ,aproape de centru strada(Balcescu) 2 camere bucatarie baie dispune de incalzire autonoma lumina gaz apa garaj teren agricol si beci
  • Letting House

    Letting House 2 000€

    Chisinau, Center, 5 rooms, Floor-2/2, Furnished. Дом 2-ух этажный для 10-18 чел,Casa cu 2 nivele in centru pentru 10-18 persoane Сдается 2-х этажный дом в центре города. 5 комнат, в каждой комнате санузел. 2 небольших холла.…
  • Letting House

    Letting House 100€

    Chisinau, botanica, 1 room, 20m2, Furnished. Кровать, телевизор,стол, стулья
  • Letting House

    Letting House 130€

    Chisinau, Center, 5 rooms, Floor-2/2, 25m2, Furnished. Casa in chirie!
  • Letting House

    Letting House 2 000Lei

    Chisinau, botanica, 2 rooms, 60m2, Furnished. TOTUL NECESAR PENTRU LOCUIT
  • Letting House

    Letting House 35€

    Chisinau, Center, 1 room, 25m2, Furnished. Сдаются квартиры в Кишинёве, посуточно, почасово со всеми удобствами, бесплатный WiFi, 70/100/130 лей/час мин. заселение 3 часа. Se dau in chirie apartamente in Chisinau, pe noapte/ore cu toate facilitățile, WiFi…
  • Letting House

    Letting House 50€

    Chisinau, Center, 16 rooms, Floor-2/3, 15m2, Furnished. Воспользуйся скидкой 20% на проживание в течение 3 ночей!/ Beneficiaza de o reducere de 20 % la cazare pentru 3 nopti!/ Take discount of 20% on stays of 3 nights!…
  • Letting House

    Letting House 100Lei

    Chisinau, Center, 1 room, Floor-2/3, Furnished. Cheap hotel in the center of Chisinau for just 35 euros!
  • Letting House

    Letting House 3 100€

    Chisinau, buiucani, Floor-0/3, 400m2, Furnished. Elite cottage at Buiucani district. Location: Chisinau, Buiucani, on very quiet street property type: private house in Chisinau under the housing property services: property comprising: 3-levels private house: semi-basement +…
  • Letting House

    Letting House 550€

    Chisinau, ciocana, 3 rooms, Floor-3/9, 72m2, Furnished.

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