
  • Letting

    Office 6€

    Chisinau, ciocana, 15 rooms, Floor-4/4, 800m2, Not furnished. Modern interior design Package air conditioners, video observation parking central heating Output of


  • Letting

    Office 13€

    Chisinau, botanica, 1 room, Floor-3/4, 80m2, Not furnished. Modern decoration, air conditioning, a bathroom, a loggia overlooking the Boulevard. Decebal. Through the Internet, fixed telephone, independent heating for the building (there are individual account of water, heating, electricity),…


  • Letting

    Office 7€

    Chisinau, ciocana, Furnished. Офисы в аренду. Rent offices from 10 to 300 m2. Contact: 067423007


  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 7€

    Chisinau, botanica, 5 rooms, Floor-2/2, 156m2, Furnished. Аренда офисного помещения на первой линии в Кишиневе. 156 м2. Современное двухэтажное здание расположено в районе с высокоразвитой инфраструктурой, в 5 минутах езды от центра города Кишинева. Престижное местоположение здания,…
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 1 200€

    Chisinau, Center, 1 room, Floor-4/4, 120m2, Not furnished. Etajul 3 este dat în arendă într-o clădire nouă în centru. 10 € - metru pătrat. Сдаются 3 этаж в новостройке в центре. 10 € - квадратный метр.
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 200€

    Cahul, center, 3 rooms, Floor-1/9, 60m2, Not furnished.
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 10€

    Chisinau, botanica, 2 rooms, Floor-2/4, 35m2, Not furnished. Сдаю в аренду бутик 35 кв в Джамбо на 2 этаже рядом с эскалатором у прохожей чясти. Бутик готов к вьезду и подходит под любой вид дейтельность. Есть в наличий…
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 10€

    Chisinau, Center, 1 room, Floor-3/5, 11m2, Not furnished. Cдаю в аренду офисные помещения от 11 до 240 кв в комерческом центре UNO Офисные помешения с ремонтом рассположены на 3 этаже в комерческом центре UNO. Имеются все комуникаций, интернет,…
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 300€

    Cahul, center, Floor-2/3, 50m2, Furnished. oficiu in chirie, reparatie euro, totul nou.
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 13€

    Chisinau, Center, 45 rooms, Floor-0/8, 33m2, Not furnished. Birouri spre închiriere, oferte promoționale, centru
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 13€

    Chisinau, Center, Floor-0/8, 33m2, Not furnished. "V-Continental" Business Center oferă spre închiriere birouri clasa A. Centrul nostru de afaceri este echipat cu un spectru complet de sisteme și soluții moderne: Parcare subterană; Parcare exterioară, securizată; Recepție…
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 6€

    Chisinau, rascani, 5 rooms, Floor-2/4, 197m2, Furnished. Аренда торговых и офисных помещений в новом четырехэтажном здании от 75 до 3500 кв.м. Прямая аренда от собственника. Коммерческий центр расположен в 10 минутах от магазина «Supraten». Предоставляется административная и…
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 12€

    Chisinau, buiucani, 4 rooms, Floor-1/5, 208m2, Furnished. Аренда коммерческого помещения на первой линии в Кишиневе, Алба Юлия
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 1 399€

    Hincesti, Center, 2 rooms, Floor-3/4, 237m2. Spaţiu comercial orientat spre răsărit se dă în arendă în Hînceşti cu suprafaţa de 137 m.p. (1000 €) + terasa 100 m.p. = 1200 € Sunt disponibile toate comunicaţiile, la…
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 7€

    Chisinau, ciocana, Furnished. Офисы в аренду. Rent offices from 10 to 300 m2. Contact: 067423007
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 10€

    Chisinau, Center, 3 rooms, Floor-3/3, 155m2, Furnished. The building in the Centre of Chisinau, European style interior, for offices and partially under the shop. 1 bathroom, 2 separate rooms by 25 m + 1 big room (for…
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 6€

    Chisinau, ciocana, 255m2, Not furnished. Offices from 10 to 250 sq.m., UL. 7, Uzinelor Coinage. Price 6 €/m2, 7 EUR/m2 incl. VAT One room, independent heating, air conditioning, parking, double glazing, good location.
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 6€

    Chisinau, ciocana, 15 rooms, Floor-4/4, 800m2, Not furnished. Modern interior design Package air conditioners, video observation parking central heating Output of
  • Letting Office

    Letting Office 13€

    Chisinau, botanica, 1 room, Floor-3/4, 80m2, Not furnished. Modern decoration, air conditioning, a bathroom, a loggia overlooking the Boulevard. Decebal. Through the Internet, fixed telephone, independent heating for the building (there are individual account of water, heating, electricity),…

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